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What is the status of my investment?
What is the status of my investment?

Information on how Abundance categorises the status of your investment and what the different statuses mean

Updated over 7 months ago

If you are viewing the list of your investments in your portfolio, Abundance will highlight certain important statuses about your investment. If there is no status shown, it means the investment is on track.

Late payment

You will see a yellow 'Late payment' flag if the investment is behind on any of its payments to investors. It could mean the investment is behind on a payment, or was only able to partially pay an investment. For some investments they are not immediately in default if they are late on a payment, and are given time to try and catch up on the payment. Read the Updates for the investment to find out more detail.

In default

In default means the investments has breached the terms of the investment. This could be for a number of reasons, such as if it has not been able to make the payments due to investors, or if it has breached any of the other terms of the investment. Read the Updates for the investment to find out more detail.

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